YouTube - 3 years ago - 1.6K views
Wiktionary is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary of terms in all natural languages and a number ...
YouTube - 3 years ago
No id yet, S Maryland.
YouTube - 5 years ago
logodaedalist - One skilled in logodaedaly, that is, the use of words or wordplay. logodaedalist, ...
YouTube - 5 years ago - 2.2K views
How To Use Witionary.
YouTube - 3 years ago Description Meaning in Hindi, Definition of Description in Hindi ...
YouTube - 1 day ago
In this Adventure in Etymology we look into the word lagniappe, which means an extra or unexpected gift or benefit, and comes ...
YouTube - 4 hours ago
This Day in History, December 31 If you enjoy this series, you can find the playlist that contains these videos at ...
YouTube - 2 years ago
prizefight (plural prizefights) A professional boxing match, in which two boxers compete for a prize (usually money).

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